Mrs. Warner | Teen Ink

Mrs. Warner

April 14, 2013
By Zachary Tomczyk BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Zachary Tomczyk BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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"Class Stumpers." Class stumpers was a competition/race a former teacher of mine used to hold every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for social studies class. The three subjects of this competition were current events, history, and geography. If you ask mostly anyone who has had Social Studies with Mrs. Warner over the years, they will know exactly what you are talking about when you mention "Class Stumpers." The person I am selecting as my nominee for Educator of the Year is my eighth grade home room teacher Mrs. Warner. Mrs. Warner has been teaching middle school for over twenty years and has much experience when it comes to dealing with teenagers. Mrs. Warner currently teaches at All Saints Catholic School in Elsmere, Delaware. Before teaching at All Saints, Mrs. Warner taught at Corpus Christi Catholic School for a majority of her career.

Mrs. Warner was my eighth grade home room teacher, and Social Studies teacher. She knows everything there is to know about history and social studies and shares her knowledge of this subject to the class. I had Mrs. Warner for two years and learned so much while attending her class. I always enjoyed being in her class because she made it very interesting often. She had us engaged in the lessons most of the time and was always active using the white board, and new Smart Board technology.

Mrs. Warner really stood out to me when I was making my choice on who I was going to nominate for Educator of the Year. Mrs. Warner has so many great personality attributes which makes her the best teacher she can be. She is interesting, fun, fair, knowledgeable, educated, and mostly, she has a GREAT sense of humor and is very funny. She is always getting everyone engaged in her lessons, which makes it a great learning experience for the whole class.

If you ask anyone at school which class Mrs. Warner favorites the most, their answer will probably all be the same. Her eighth grade homeroom class is the obvious favorite. Everyone who has or has had Mrs. Warner, knows about her special bond with her eighth grade homeroom classes. I had the privilege of being in Mrs. Warner's homeroom class last year, and I had a great time throughout the whole year. Mrs. Warner also teaches some reading and religion, but I believe that she especially strives as a Social Studies teacher. Mrs. Warner was a very special teacher to me because I knew that she cared about each and every one of students. She was also always there to talk to, when students needed to talk on a personal level.

Having Mrs. Warner in class was always very enjoyable to me, and I think the most of her as an educator, and role model for myself and all of her students. I could tell Mrs. Warner wanted to be the best teacher she could be, and I think that all teachers should strive to have Mrs. Warner's work ethic. I want to thank Mrs. Warner for being such a great role model for me and being a truly great educator. I miss having Mrs. Warner as a teacher, and I am going to try and visit her soon! She is a great adult figure in my life and I believe she deserves recognition for being the great teacher she is today.

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