Mrs Fritsch | Teen Ink

Mrs Fritsch

February 14, 2023
By T_G BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
T_G BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In kindergarten I walked in on my first day to a welcoming teacher. She showed me around the classroom and showed me the table I would sit at. I was a kid who did not like to be corrected and tried to do things my own way but I also behaved.

Whenever I got in trouble for something I would pay the price, and she taught me that. When my dad came in for a police presentation then left to do another presentation in another class I asked to go to the bathroom and snuck around the school trying to find him. When I couldn't find him I asked the principal. She was not happy that I left the room though I don't really remember what happened. 

I also remember that we won a reward but I felt like I didn't deserve the reward and so she took it from me, and I didn't complain. Despite all that for some reason when I finished kindergarten, I was very sad and wished upon a dandelion to redo kindergarten.

I recently went back to my old school and saw her again. My family decided to go to mass there and as communion was being set up, I looked and thought it was her but had my doubts. My dad was also wondering if it was her and I got a closer look and sure enough it was her.  She recognized me before I recognized her, and I almost teared up. After mass we caught up talking about where we are now in life. 


Looking back on it I remember a lot of random memories from kindergarten. Thank you mrs Fritsch for the good experience. 



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