Mr. Jeff Luetschwager | Teen Ink

Mr. Jeff Luetschwager

April 11, 2022
By Dubling BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Dubling BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have taken engineering courses in every grade in high school, while I knew that I was going to go into the engineering or manufacturing field I really had no idea what I really wanted to do. That was until I took Manufacturing and Engineering with Materials with him as a teacher freshman year and again in Engineering Design and Development this year. I am currently a Junior at Arrowhead High School.

Mr. Luetschwager is a fun amazing teacher, when he teaches he captures your attention and I feel like I really learn something when he is teaching. He is always willing to help you if you have a question and is willing to let those who get their work done have fun, or give them fun projects in the shop.

In my sophomore year with him in MEM I really had no idea what I wanted to do, however he throughout the year of him teaching and telling us about what he had done as an engineer it caused a spark in me, I loved being out in the shop building and making and having fun doing all of that, and I loved designing and coming up with ideas. What he said about his work as a design engineer really made me want to be one, I loved the idea of coming up with a product and then developing it all the way, because of Mr. L I decided that I wanted to become a design engineer and have a ton of fun doing it.

This year, my junior year, the class I am taking with him is Engineering Design and Development, I took it because I wanted to make and design a product, what I wanted to do. It has been a struggle for me, I chose to work alone when it was recommended to work in groups of three to five, it is a class where you find a problem that can be anything from butter not spreading well on toast to there being no speakers that work while swimming, snorkeling, or even diving underwater. Anything goes, I chose to build a shoulder mount so someone portaging a canoe will not have to use their hands while portaging.

The class involves a lot of paperwork and shop work, Mr. Luetschwager has helped me a lot along the way and I am so grateful that he has helped me so much. He has been very lenient on late work and grading and has encouraged and provided so much useful feedback to me throughout this school year. He has made me think deeper and about so much more that I never would have considered. He has just been a massive help throughout this entire project, I never would have been as far or gotten as much done without him. In addition, even though I am not someone who talks to anyone I don’t know, because of Mr. L I have escaped my bubble even if it is just a little bit, and put myself out there to talk to real experts in the field to improve my product and gain new insights.

Overall thank you, thank you so much for being such an amazing teacher, and thank you for helping me out so much. I would never have made it this far without your amazing teaching and stories inspiring me.

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