Ms. Alyssa Hickey | Teen Ink

Ms. Alyssa Hickey

April 1, 2022
By JSArts BRONZE, Kennesaw, Georgia
JSArts BRONZE, Kennesaw, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Honestly, no teacher out there is perfect, but in my opinion, a teacher who has patience and takes good time and care of her students is a pretty awesome teacher, and to this day, it amazes me that teachers spend almost 20 years in school just so they can teach us! All of my teachers from elementary school were amazing individuals, but one teacher that stood out the most to me was Ms. Hickey; she was the nicest teacher I had ever met, it was her first year teaching and I was part of the first class she ever taught in 5th grade, she was an amazing person, she would always be kind even to those who seemed like they didn't deserve it, and she was always so intelligent and graceful in everything she did. When she first introduced herself I already knew me and her would get along very nicely, and we did. Things were kinda crazy in 5th grade mainly because of the students, but Ms. Hickey was like a superhero, she would be able to calm the class down in a heartbeat and she would always do it with a kind manner. Honestly, sometimes you don't even realize how important people are to us until you lose them or move on to the next teacher. Cherish every moment you have during that year with your teacher because it is the people we remember that shape us over the years, to become the person we are now. I hope you enjoyed this short essay, and I hope you have a little more care for your teachers during the semester, because that might be the last year you'll ever see them.

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