Mr. Hessler | Teen Ink

Mr. Hessler

March 10, 2020
By 0orlando BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
0orlando BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Hessler

My freshman and sophomore years flew by like paper fluttering in the wind. I didn’t have to put as much effort into school because it wasn’t challenging enough yet, or so I thought. When junior year rolled around I experienced a teacher that didn’t motivate me or get me excited to come to class. It was the same thing everyday, show up, put your phone away, listen to a lecture for 40 minutes and then get assigned homework. This was the first time in my life I realized I'm not always going to have a teacher I like.

I saw Mr. Hessler in the hallway but I’ve never had him as a teacher. I heard good things about him throughout my high school career like, “he’s a really good teacher,” and “he used to be a good football coach for Arrowhead.” But I didn’t have Mr. Hessler first semester, I had a different teacher similar to one I had my junior year. Same routine everyday, come into class and listen to the teacher lecture for 40 minutes without interacting with the class. I wasn’t motivated to come to class. When the second semester rolled around, I switched into Mr. Hessler's class and for the first time I got to see what he was all about. Within the first 10 minutes of class, he had me laughing and excited to learn.

The best part about Mr. Hessler is that he doesn’t teach like every other teacher. He treats teaching as if he’s coaching, and that’s why I’m able to connect and learn from him. I can tell when he’s teaching that he cares about his students and wants to see all of us succeed. He constantly gives advice that will help us in college. It’s easier for me to comprehend what he’s explaining when he calls math problems players or teams. He’s so descriptive when he teaches that it makes the class much easier. 

Mr. Hessler is never in a bad mood, he’s always excited to teach the class something new. Someone once told me if your teacher doesn’t get you excited to learn, then you’re going to hate walking into that class everyday. With Mr. Hessler I’m excited to walk into his room everyday, he makes math and learning fun.

Even though this is my first semester with Mr. Hessler, I’m glad I got to experience such a great teacher and person like him. I don’t think I’ll see a teacher as good as Mr. Hessler for a long time, a teacher that is compassionate, caring, and cheerful no matter what time of the day you talk to him. He is a teacher that not only teaches you, but coaches you to be better. I hope nothing but the best for Mr. Hessler and I want him to know how much of an impact his teaching has had on me.

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