My Favorite Teacher | Teen Ink

My Favorite Teacher

November 19, 2019
By hmh20 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
hmh20 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Coming into high school as a freshman is scary, but coming into a high school as a teacher is just as scary. The first day of school was both of ours at Arrowhead High School. In the beginning, I was just in her art class. By the end of the first semester, I was talking about my personal life as well as introducing my best friend Morgan to Mrs. Falkner.

Mrs. Falkner has long brown locks that are twisted into a different style every day. Somehow they always fall gracefully, I’d hear “How does your hair look that good?” She brushes those compliments off, beaming ear to ear. Glazed over her darker glowing skin is little to no makeup. Easily described with a soft presence and kind eyes.


Bam! I built a quick relationship with Mrs. Falkner when I found out she coached dance and cheer for years. I started to come in for study halls and lunch. After I mentioned our cheer coach quit, I tried persuading her to step in—she did. The involvement and time dedicated to our school made me feel the passion she had to drive to be the best they could be. Months later, I felt like I could go to her for anything. She talked to me at school and cheer — always offering advice and comfort.

Suddenly, it turned into me coming in to eat lunch and work on homework. She always had motivational advice that would keep my mind at ease. Mrs. Falkner extended an open room environment for everyone.

Second semester I wasn’t in her class anymore, but that didn’t stop me from coming in during study hall. I came in to work on other art projects that her 3-D Design class was working on. These projects were just for fun and little did I know they were an outlet for me, making each day more bearable.

Overtime, I realized art became a therapy for me. Luckily, I released my worries and stress into my art work. Talking to Mrs. Falkner was also therapy, without it I don’t know where I’d be. Her classroom was the most relaxing place in school.

Sophomore year I leaped to see my schedule and teachers. My heart dropped realizing I was in 2-D Design with a different teacher. Then it hit me that she was in the next room over—I took a deep breath. Sadly, after Sophomore year we switch campuses, but occasionally I still stop by to exchange updates with her.

Hopefully, one day I can be as confident as Mrs. Falkner. Since I spent a large chunk of my days in her room, I learned she builds trust with everyone. Unfortunately, I have not had many teachers that possessed the ability to gain that trust and form a connection, like a chemical bond that can’t be broken—making her your go-to person when the day or life sucks. I know I’ll always have Mrs. Falkner there for me.

The author's comments:

I wrote this article about an inspiring leader from my high school. Mrs. Falkner has always been there for me so I thought she deserves to know how much she is appreciated.

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