Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

November 18, 2019
By 0hein SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
0hein SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mrs. Brummer

Mrs. Brummer deserves every award in the book. When my grandma passed away, she was the first to find out outside of my family. She was the only one I told and she gave me sympathy, but for some reason I appreciated it. She consoled me and we talked about it and she made me realize this was a good thing. Mrs. Brummer made it better. 

Mrs. Brummer is the attendance lady in North Campus at Arrowhead High School. Her job is to sign people in and out, take calls from parents who don’t want their sick kids at school. She enters in absences for certain hours or for doctors appointments. Her job also provides her with the opportunity to get to know the parents and talk to them and then talk to the students at Arrowhead High School. 

Especially my mom; for every dentist, doctor, and orthodontist appointments that my mom forgot to write a note for, Mrs. Brummer got to know me a little more. Mrs. Brummer knows about my braces situation; every time I need to stay home, she was sweet about it and was willing to make an exception. She also knew about my grandma’s health and how we were handling it. Every time I got pulled out of school, she always asked “how is she doing?” and other sweet questions that made me feel like somebody cared. 

Mrs. Brummer also has to deal with angry parents and the troubled students that make her day even harder. Even though she has to deal with us, she still seems to care enough to ask how our day was. She is strong and always keeps her spirits high. 

If Mrs. Brummer has taught me anything it’s this: being kind to someone is so important. It can mean the world to them if when you ask how their day was or even tell them to have a good day. It can brighten somebody's world like Mrs. Brummer brightened mine. 

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