Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 4, 2019
By 0scharmer SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
0scharmer SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At the beginning of the school year, unsettling feelings of stress set in. Anticipating my school schedule is an exciting time, but worrisome. However, once I found out that I had my favorite teacher for a second year in a row, the stress turned into excitement. Mr. Hanrahan my fifth and sixth grade teacher from Merton School was like a papa bear always looking out for me.

     Before I knew who he was, I asked my sister about him. “Do you know who Mr.Hanrahan is?”

She looked at me shocked and replied, “Lucky, he’s the best teacher there.”

I knew that this next school year was going to be one to remember.

Although, as a fifth and sixth grade student, I may never have shown my appreciation for what he did for me, I will be forever grateful I was assigned to his class. Mr. Hanrahan looked out for me and helped me overcome my struggles of not understanding class material.

    He would come to school early to help me study for the weekly spelling quiz or stay late after to go over a math test with me. He would let me come in at lunch to help me with a English paper or come after school to coach our basketball team when our coach was gone. Mr. Hanrahan viewed teaching as more than just a job; he cared about his students goals.

    Mr. Hanrahan helped organize a two-night camp for the grade which everyone still remembers and talks about. We spent the days swimming and the night playing games making memories with my fellow classmates. I think as a class we never showed appreciation for everything he’s done and he deserve to know we we’re thankful for the time he put into planning it. He would go above and beyond his job for the students.

    I remember Mr. Hanrahan wanting us to be proud of the work we created. A student once wrote a 30 page book about Minecraft and he allowed the student to take class time to read the book to us because he was so proud of what he wrote. We sat in the back of the class in a circle as my friend, Cameron, read the book page by page. This is why he is the greatest teacher: he cares about their students and their work.

    He was more than just a teacher. He enjoyed supporting and watching the school basketball teams. I remember coming to class the following day and spending time talking about the game with him. He was excited about the sport and would enjoy spending time with the players talking about the game and how they could improve.

    Although Mr. Hanrahan might have forgot about me or the grade, I will always remember Mr. Hanrahan as the best teacher I’ve ever had. He may not know it, but he changed me into a better person and for the I am forever grateful, for him and having the opportunity to be in his classroom. Teaching me and helping me grow as a person.

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