Greatest Educator of the Year Contest | Teen Ink

Greatest Educator of the Year Contest

March 28, 2019
By Harrison1 BRONZE, Sterling, Virginia
Harrison1 BRONZE, Sterling, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The teacher I choose to be the best educator of the year is Miss Kristen Briggs. She teaches middle school and is very kind. I choose her because she is nice, funny, and helpful in many ways.  She is the best middle school teacher in school. She helps us on our class work and on our writing skills every day. She also has us play fun games to learn new ways to type. Miss Briggs is very fun and, in her class, she tells jokes some times. I think Miss. Briggs is the best teacher of the year and I think you will think the same thing. She will blow your mind with the things she will teach you during the school year. Miss. Briggs teaches us how to use different words in sentences and how to say them correctly when talking to other people. She makes sure that we understand what she is talking about and she gives us fun homework to do on the words she told us about in class. Miss. Briggs has us go on Quizlet to make flash cards on the words we don’t know and she also makes flash card of her own for us to study too. Everything that she teaches us in school she makes it fun for us. Miss. Briggs makes sure the whole class knows how to write and use different words all the time. Miss. Briggs is the best educator I ever had and I think the she will win this year’s best educator’s contest in the whole U.S.A.! That’s why I choose her to be the best educator of the year.

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