Child Abuse in Our World | Teen Ink

Child Abuse in Our World

May 14, 2018
By Ekaterina BRONZE, Farmington, Connecticut
Ekaterina BRONZE, Farmington, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Child abuse in our world

You sit in your room and do your homework. Sharply, my father burst into the room with his belt. He starts screaming that you did not get out of the room, although he did not say that. The father is furious. He takes you and starts to beat. This is one and the type of violence against children. It's scary, is not it? There are several types of violence. Emotional, which is the most serious, physical, sexual and neglectful. In many countries, many families abuse children. Regardless of religion, race,  and nationality. “Child abuse and neglect is a serious public health problem which requires immediate, urgent attention,” said Anne Peter­sen, a professor at the Center for Human Growth and Development at the University of Michigan who chaired the research committee for the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council of the National Academies.

Violence against children is illegal. In all US states, a law has been written about this. This is also unethical in relation to children. What this makes clear is that violence is bad. Especially over children.  The U.S. Department of Health and Human Service found that while rates of physical and sexual child abuse have declined in the past 20 years, rates of emotional and physiological abuse, the kind that can produce the most serious long-lasting effect, have increased. In Connecticut, in high school INR, a survey was conducted among students from grade 8. To the question "Have you ever mocked someone?" 59% of the students answered yes, and the rest answered no.


Bruises, scratches, scars, psychological problems, scandals, hysterics, bullying. This describes the effect of violence. This demonstrates the effect of child abuse. And also, child abuse can profoundly influence victims’ physical and mental health. The risk factors that can affect a person and start violence against children are:

- Parental depression
- Alcohol or drugs
- Stress
- non-holding of emotions
- lack of parental skills
- untreated mental illness

It is important to acknowledge that child abuse is not a good thing. Especially when it happens in a place where you have to go. At school or at home. Every time a victim comes to one of these places, they are already in awe. They try in every possible way to avoid people, with the thought of "a sudden and he/she will also rape me." When the victim grows, the thought in his head is postponed that one can not trust a stranger. This prevents them from the future of sociology. Moreover, if the victim is subjected to physical violence, they are more often sent to hospitals, because of the received strikes. But the most terrible effect, it's thoughts about suicide and suicide itself. Many victims of violence, are subject to suicide.

Last year, the Blue Whale Game was popular in Russia. On the network, you write a special hashtag to join this game. The end of the game is suicide by any means. Every day you perform the task of "drawing a blue whale on your hand" to "cut out the whale image on your hand." Because of this, in Russia in 2017 there was a big scandal. Parents were worried about "What if my child is in this game ?!" And he blocked the networks of his children. Due to the fact that good children (those who do not play Blue Whale) did not play it, they were indignant and quarreled, which made more scandals.

It is very good that this game is no longer popular, as before.

How many generations must pass so that they understand that violence does not solve anything? But, nevertheless, do not hold back and rape. For example, there is a suggestion that every month social services come and check families for violence. There is evidence that he exists to ask the family about who she was held and what is the reason. And, for example, every year every person undergoes a psychological test. Since violence most affects the psyche, it is better to know who is the victim. If you find a victim, ask if there is violence against him. Nevertheless, there is a proposal that we can still do now. It's not that hard. If you hear where what someone rapes, help. Do not stand still. Do not think that "they will decide everything themselves". And what if the victim is a child? Of course, he can not solve the problem, because he does not know the solution. Do not stand still. It is so simple! If people listen to this advice, I think that we will partially solve this problem, which is the biggest at the given time.“The effects were seen on abused children’s brain and behavioral development are not static,” said committee member Mary Dozier, chairman of child development at the University of Delaware. “If we can intervene and change a child’s environment, we actually see plasticity in the brain. So, we see negative changes when a child is abused, but we also see positive brain changes when the abuse ends and they are more supported. Interventions can be very effective.”

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