One Moment | Teen Ink

One Moment MAG

By Anonymous

   My most vivid memory was when I found out my dad wasin the hospital because of a heart attack. The smell of riceon the hot stove was the kitchen; and the downpour of watercleaning the dirt-stricken pans was the sink; and the Scottishaccent of Uncle Scrooge lecturing his small, innocent nephewswas the TV; and the splashing of water on the creaky, oldbalcony was the rain; and the laughter running around in therain were children; and the low rumble of God looking down atits creation was thunder; and everything suddenly going inslow motion was my world; and the weeping of people who wereafraid were my mom and siblings; and the small kid who waspondering the father he hardly knew was Prashant.

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i love this so much!