One Happy Face | Teen Ink

One Happy Face

December 7, 2015
By b.who SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
b.who SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is the only one bringing us down. We are the only  ones who control our future. One happy face shining bright, inspiring other to do the same. One person pushing for happiness, but zero people following. Zero happy faces to look up to as nothing is working, but only hatred and killings are occurring.

They don’t care about the world. They despise us, deny us and differentiate from the rest of us. To them, all hope is lost and zero people stand in the way of stopping them be a cancer to our lives. This is why we don’t sleep
Sightless to who they hurt and the families that mourn, they are like a blackhole to our world. No, no, no they cry as their loved ones become angels in the sky. They sleep.

When there is no happy faces smiling, and no light to shine down anymore, is when that one happy face will keep smiling. When that one happy face keeps smiling, is when one more will follow and give hope to one day there will be peace again.

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