2 Golden Arches (4 Skinny Trees) | Teen Ink

2 Golden Arches (4 Skinny Trees)

May 19, 2015
By DSteins SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
DSteins SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Rock On.

They are the only ones i’ll never forget. I am the only one who made it unforgettable. Two golden arches shadowing a place I used to work. Two that you can find anywhere else, but lack the same spirit. Two rounded curves that expand an empire. From the road, you see the cars wrapping the store, but wiser men drive past with hearts to ignore.
Their strength wasn’t in the burgers or the frys. They used to send happy vibes through the drive thru window. They grew in popularity because of the love that was shared and they grew in their wallets snatching cash with their greedy mitts and kissing the butt of the causer of it all and never quitting their dissatisfaction. This is how they keep their heads above the boiling hot grease.
Let one forget his reason for working there, they’d all fall like nuggets in oil, each with their hands cemented together pleading for my stay. Work, work, work they say while they obtain more capital. They demand.
When I am too tired and too sick of slave working, when I am used to make a cloudy place shine, then it is I who will leave. When there are no cars to be seen when looking from the street. Two golden arches will fall on an abandoned building. Two who used to shine but don’t anymore. Two whose only reason is now to sit and decay.

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