Christianity or Science? | Teen Ink

Christianity or Science?

May 19, 2015
By Machew BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Machew BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What came first the chicken or the egg, or how about what is more true christianity or science? Both have facts that support each one. Whether we debate about this topic or not, or by believing in one or the other, it solely depends on who the person is. A catholic would believe in the 7 day creation, but a scientist would believe in the Big bang and evolution.
“Big Bang” and 7 days, are the two main things that people believe in on creation. Some people may choose sides on this topic or remain neutral. Of course the first thing that’ll come to peoples mind is where are the facts? On the site Big-bang-theory explains how the universe was started, and then made groups called galaxies. The universe began very hot, very small, and very dense. About some 14 billion years ago space expanded quickly, thus gives the name “Big Bang”. One big thing that christians have to debate about this is, “where’s the proof?”. Unlike science with the “Big Bang” it wasn’t recorded some 14 billion years ago. What does christianity have? The bible that was recorded some time ago and had even had more data going as far back  to creation. On Biblegateway, has a topic on what’s in the book of Genesis which is all about the 7 days of creation. On the first day god created heaven and earth, it was dark, formless and empty. So he created  light and named it “day” along with dark and named it “night”. The second he created a dome above to separate water under it from the water above and called it the “sky”. Then the Third created dry ground naming it “land,” then named the waters as “seas”. Later in the day he created vegetation, from fruits to trees to be on the land. Next on the fourth he created the “sun” to rule over the day and then the “moon” to rule over the night; he also then created stars. On the fifth he created the sea creatures to fill the sea and created flying creatures to fill the sky. God blessed them and said to them,”Be fruitful and reproduce to fill the sea and in the air”. Then on the sixth he finally created land animals, wild and domestic. But most importantly he created mankind, in his own image, in the image of god he created them; male and female he created them. God saw all that he had made, and it was very pleasing. finally he rested on the 7th day he rested and everything has been done. This topic on creation is very controversial with scientists and christians. But christians always has one saying that will always back them up. Scientist will go on and explain this is that, while christians always say “who made that?”. This saying always refers to god creating anything and everything.  Not very long after, he sent someone to free everybody's sins.
Jesus Christ, coming down and saving us all from our sins did it happen? Some scientist do not believe in this. Scientist believe that their work of science is better than Jesus’s miracles. On livescience states that scientist have supposedly done experiments that match Jesus’s miracles. Such as healing the lameness, curing the blind, etc, most of that can be done with science but what a miracle can do is unexplainable and is almost unreal. On therealpresence states that in Lanciano, Italy 8th century AD, is a time where a miracle occurred. During holy mass after two fold consecration, the host was changed into live flesh and the wine was changed into live blood. Which coagulated into five globales, irregular and differing in shape and size which is very odd. Investigators took DNA samples from the host and from his tunic (from the tomb where jesus had been buried) and both matched. Science cannot explain the bleeding host.
There has been many real, proof that theories from either side has became true. Scientific theories of gravity to Angel appearing in front of them, people have their own experiences. A scientific theory about gravity found on TheHappyScientist, states Newton found gravity on accident. By sitting under a tree at the right time, an apple fell and hit his head. Thus the birth of one of Newton’s law. With all of the evidence it changed from a theory into a scientific law which is a law of science. On the other hand that come true in christianity is angels. On neardeath states that angels are not some new age fad. In the bible they are mentioned to exist way before humanity even existed. Humans are half soul and half body. Angel are purely soul, and are frightening to human. In the bible it mentioned the angel of death came to kill the first born child. If their door has blood from a lamb, that house would be spared. A person I actually know named Mark told us his experiences with an angel. At his friend’s house for a sleepover, he is sleeping in the room with his friend. He notices a very bright light beaming through the window. Curiosity persuaded him to check it out, as he did he found something way out of the ordinary. A 12 foot figure levitating in front of the window, so bright in a white that it’s color is unknowing, the figure had six wings, and carried a sword and shield. It did not have any eyes, mouth, nor a nose. But yet had all of the indentations of a nose, eyes, and a mouth. Mark’s first thought that it was the angel of death, terrified all he could do was sit there and look at it in fear. After some time has passed he tries to wake up his friend. When his friend wakes up the light and the angel have already disappeared. His friend told him that it was probably a birch tree outside his house. The next morning they went out to look for the birch tree, the problem was the tree was there. But it was far across the street, it wasn’t possible that it was the tree. Also, where the angel was suspected to be had grass that was dead as if it was burnt. To this day he believes that it was his guardian angel.
Both side of the field have their own proof, whether which is right or wrong it goes with faith to believe in either one. Faith to believe in which one is right and truthful. I believe in the christianity, it’s one of the only religion that have proof. From creation, miracles, to real sightings, things really do happen in weird ways. So who really crossed the road first? Well that can only be decided by the person who chooses which to believe in. That’s because we have a freedom of religion and freedom of speech to do what we choose to do.

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HRC said...
on May. 2 2020 at 4:35 pm
HRC, Lexington, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else."
--C. S. Lewis

Perhaps the Creation account is somewhat metaphorical. The rational of Christ is far greater than any other.