Best Friend… | Teen Ink

Best Friend…

January 8, 2009
By Anonymous

In my perspective I was one of those quiet ones who would smile but it wouldn’t symbolize anything, walk with my head down because I was too blind to see what was right in front of me, I would run away from chances because I was too afraid to take them, believed everything was a joke because nobody thought I was serious, I was always lied to, so nobody deserved the truth, and I didn’t really appreciate life I just took it as it is. But all this changed when I met this girl I now call my best friend. She said Im quiet because my actions are stronger than words, she taught me how to smile with meaning because everything in the world deserves a purpose, I now walk with my head held high because if it so happens to fall I know she will be right by my side. She said I wasn’t running away from chances but, chasing my dreams, and she always took me serious so the jokes on them. She said it’s alright if you’re lied to; just know that they weren’t strong enough to tell you the truth, and I don’t just take life as it is anymore, I appreciate it, as much as I appreciate my best friend.

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