Late but Early | Teen Ink

Late but Early

February 19, 2015
By AliciaAlcantara SILVER, Santo Domingo, Other
AliciaAlcantara SILVER, Santo Domingo, Other
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

In my dream I was coming from Kentucky to the Dominican but with my family. Not like I came this year, I came alone with Miss Stephanie. Back to the dream I was laying over in the Miami airport, and the Miami airport is not a very good place to layover. I had an electronic card, not the ones people use to pay things. It was a card that tells you your next flight and the time you have to get to the airplane. The card said 30 minutes. It was a very short time and we had to check out and in our bags because flights weren't connected. I checked out my bags, and I was going downstairs to check them in and then I lost my family. I needed to find them, check in my bags and go to the airplane. In my dream the airport looked small, but I knew it was very big, like the real one. There were hundreds of people moving around and I couldn't see my family. A man going upstairs saw my card and told me I was late for my flight. I said ok and didn't pay much attention to him. Then a Chinese woman came and told me something in English. I couldn't understand her. She repeated what she said to me but because of her accent I still didn't understand her. She went upstairs, thinking a different way to say it, and said “You have 10 seconds left until your flight leaves”. I saw my card, she was right. I went running to a place where it looked like I could check my bags in. I asked the lady there if I could check in my bags there, and she said yes. I runned and runned and got there in less than two seconds. When I was there my dad found me and asked me how much time did we have until the plane leaves. I looked at the card really fast and said 7 seconds. “Wait” I thought. It wasn´t 7 seconds; it was worse. 10 days and 7 seconds. My dad made a mistake and chose two flights with a 10 days layover. I told him; he was astonished. Where were we going to sleep all those days? I walked in the hall thinking about that. It was late at night but the sun was out like it was 12 pm. I looked outside the window and there was a poster on the street. It was my aunt and my cousin! We can stay with them. On that picture they looked like models.  I didn’t know they were models. Then I remembered I was in Miami and she lived in Orlando. I didn’t know how far away was that but we didn’t have a phone to call them or money to get there. I felt that feeling when something really bad its going to happen and for a moment you think of something you can do to avoid it: a little hope. Then you realize that’s not possible and that little hope is killed. I prayed to God to help me with this, that we could find a place to sleep. I looked by the hall and there was a table. It had food on it so people that didn’t have anything to eat could eat something. That’s when I thought about Arturo and Jeannie Gomez. They live in Miami and my dad knew the way! I went and told my dad, he thought it was a brilliant idea, but it was getting dark and it was at least an hour to get there. We decide to check in our bags, sleep in the airport and the next day go to Arturo’s house. We went to the table and ate that delicious food and slept in the airport.
The next day we ate the free breakfast and went on our walk. It was long. It was our only option or stay in the airport without taking showers and doing nothing all day. When we got there they were surprised about our visit but when we told them what happened they were pleased to give us a bed, food and everything we needed. We stayed there for the last 9 days, it was fun to meet them again and Priscila their daughter was happy with us. Now when I remember what happened, I can say it wasn’t comfortable the night in the airport, the stress to think about where were we going to sleep wasn’t good and the feeling of having hope and then losing it wasn’t good neither. But the feeling of going to Kentucky, in the beginning of my trip, then the happiness knowing I was going home, then the pleasure I felt when I slept in a real bed in the Gomez’s house, after sleeping in the airport and the gladness I felt when I got home -- with all that good things I can’t say it didn’t go well. I’m not saying everything that happened on my trip. It was an experience. I learned something with all this: that people can make mistake. When someone or you makes them don’t just sit down and cry, think what can you do to fix it and always trust God that He will help you, and if He doesn’t that’s the best for you

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