Friendship last forever | Teen Ink

Friendship last forever

February 19, 2015
By AliciaAlcantara SILVER, Santo Domingo, Other
AliciaAlcantara SILVER, Santo Domingo, Other
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I was walking from school to home; rarely the weather was nice, because it was summer. The bus passed next to me, I waved at the kids inside. When I got home, my mom hugged me and said “Hi Milly” “Hi mom” I answered. “How was school today, honey?” mom said, “It was a great day, I had a lot of fun as the others days. I’m excited summer is coming, no more school and no more waking up early” my mom laugh. I went to my room and put my backpack on my bed. When my sister saw come into the room said “Hi Milly, can you play dolls with me, please?” “No” I said, “Pretty please?” “Another day” I said. I felt sorry for her but I can’t play dolls with her, I’m too big to play dolls with 6 years old. I went to my room and I saw my little brother by the window playing out side.
I went to Liz’s house (she was my neighbor). “Why is that house next to Liz’s is always empty” I thought, on my way to her house “Liz!” I screamed when I saw her “Come home, I got some ideas of games we can play!” “I wish I could” Liz said sobbing, “What happened? Is everything alright?” I asked, “No, you remember my dad didn’t had a job?” “Yes…” I said, “I found out today that he found one” She said, “That’s awesome!” I said “No it isn’t! I’m moving to Colorado!” ‘I was dumbfounded, Liz was my only friend and I was her only friend. Now, with whom I was supposed to play? she … doesn’t know anyone in Colorado’. “Ummm…” I said. “That´s… too far away from Washington, When… When are you living?” “In two days”…” I got an idea! Pack everything today and tomorrow come home to spend your last day with me!” I said “That’s a good idea! I love the way you solve things!” Liz said, “ So, see you tomorrow!” “Bye!”
         Next day Liz came home and we played a lot of things. We went to the park and played tag, Liz fell and we gave her a Band-Aid. Then we played Stop. Liz is such a cheater. We made a drawing competition and a singing one and of course, I won. Then we had lunch, Liz´s favorite meal: Potato with fried chicken! I love that too, is so good. After eating, we felt tired and full so we sat down to watch the clouds for like an hour. Then we went to the pack and played Tag again. My mom was a little worried because she thought our dresses would get stained. After all that we were exhausted so we watched the sunset. An hour after we were looking at the stars trying to find some constellations that we'd learned at school. It was harder than we thought. Probably at 7 pm Liz’s parents came to pick her up “Tomorrow I’ll go to say goodbye to you”
         Next day I said bye to her with my family. I cried a little because my parents hug me. I was quiet and mad all week. My mom tried to cheer me up but it didn’t work. I tried to read but the books at my house were boring and I always fall asleep.
         At the end of the week, on a saturday, I went to the kitchen to eat breakfast and saw some trucks doing noise outside “What the is that?” I said “Some people are moving to the house next to Liz’s, they got a girl you age, we are going to meet her later” “But mom, I don’t want to, I will be a lonely girl all my life” mom looked at my with a face “OK” I said. “Get ready, shower and dress up, it already 11” mom said as I finished my food I looked at Liz’s house and imagine to girls a white black hair girl with a white brown hair and very dark eyes girl. Liz and me, I didn’t know why Liz had so dark hair. I also had a light brownish skin; it wasn’t black, it was a really light brown.
After I got ready me and my mom were in the front of the front door to go out fixing the basket my mom was going to give them and in the moment my mom opened the door there was a woman with a girl about to knock the door. “Oh, I was about to knock” the woman says “ I see that” my mom says “Are you the new neighbor?” asks my mom “ Yes I am, I’m Mrs Jones and she’s my daughter Anna” said the woman, Mrs. Jones. “I’m Mrs Woods and she’s my daughter Milly, we were going to you house right now” says my mom “Oh really, we just wanted to know the neighborhood” “ Come in, and lets talk, girls I think you can go to the backyard to talk a little” my mom said “Ok” I said and we went to the backyard. There we sat on some rock began to talk. She was trying to be really nice a make an interesting conversation but I was all disinterested just thinking about Liz. One moment she ask me something, I don’t remember what but I replied yelling “I don’t know and I don’t care, I just want Liz back!” and then I went running inside, my mom looked at me on my way and then went to my room, she tried to calm me down and when I told her what happened she went outside to apologize. On sunday morning my mom made me go to the Jones house to apologize and they said it was alright. On the church after the service ended I was alone in my chair and in that moment Anna came “Hi” “Hi” I said kind of down, “I’m sorry for what happened yesterday, it has been really hard for me…” I said, but she interrupted me “ I know, but its has been harder for me, I don’t know anyone here” I looked at her “I haven’t thought of that, oh you must feel lonely” I said, “Yes sometimes, so lets start again and be friends” “Ok”. After that we talked a lot and played all summer, school started and we were having recess together. We become really good friends in that time.
The months passed and it was already Christmas. Anna and I have been together almost all year playing and doing things, but more grow up things, because now I was 11. Liz and I have keep contact, she has sent me letters and I to her. Her last letter was saying something like “I have a surprise to you, like a Christmas gift, you are gonna love it, I know it.” I didn’t know what it was but I’m already excited.
It was Christmas Eve and all the neighborhood is reuniting on somebody’s house like every year, this year is Anna’s. When we were eating somebody knocks the door and Anna went to open it, I over heard a familiar voice saying “Is Milly here?” I wanted to see how it was and I went. I look from behind a wall… It was Liz! I went running to her and say, “What are you doing here?! You didn’t told you were coming” Liz responded, “That was the surprise!” I was so happy I could hardly talk “Liz, this is Anna, Anna, Liz” I finally said, “Nice to meet you Liz” Anna said “Milly has talk to me about you a lot” “Really? Milly told about you, too” Liz said, “Come in” Anna said, “We have enough food for three more”. Liz’s family came in and ate with all others. “ I have one more surprise for you!” Liz said, “We are moving here again!” “WHAT?!?!??” I yelled, “Really!” “Yes!” Liz said, “Ahhh!” I yelled again, “I’m moving here to my old house again” Liz said “That’s great! Now You, I and Anna can play together!”

         School started and there were two new girls at school, Liz and another girl named Ester. She was really shy and quiet; she had dirty blond hair and dark eyes. Every day she sat alone on recess and one day we decide to talk to her. She was a really nice person and suddenly she became our friend. Liz was the one who must connect to her. But she didn’t take Liz from us. A year almost passed and Anna and I became more friends, and Liz and Ester were becoming more friends. But Liz still was more friend mine than Ester, but I think I was kind of letting Liz out talking with Anna. One day we ask Anna if she thought Liz was acting weird, like she a was jealous of something “I don’t know her very well as you, but for me she is acting normal” Anna said “Are you sure?” I ask “ I said, I don’t know :(” . I really wanted to know so went to ask Ester. Next day at school in recess I took Camila inside to “ Lamentably I have to tell you that yes, she was talking to me about how much she hates that you are there just talking with Anna” Esther said “Oh no! I feel bad now I have to talk with her” I replied

         Next day Liz came home and we played a lot of things. We went to the park and played tag, Liz fell and we gave her a Band-Aid. Then we played Stop. Liz is such chatter. We made a drawing contest and a singing one and of course I won. Then we ate lunch, Liz´s favorite meal: Potato with fried chicken! I love that is so good. After eating we feel tired and full so we sat down to watch the clouds for like an hour. Then we went to the pack and played Tag again. My mom was a little worried because she thought our dresses would get stained. After all that we were exhausted so we watch the sunset. An hour after we were looking at the stars trying to find some constellations we learned at school. It was harder than we thought. Probably at 7 pm Liz’s parents came to pick her up “Tomorrow I’ll go to say goodbye to you”
         Next day I said bye to her with my family. I think I cried a little because my parents hug me. I was quiet and mad all week. My mom tried to cheer me up but it didn’t work. I tried to read but the books at my house were boring and I always fall asleep.
         At the end of the week I went to the kitchen to eat breakfast and saw some trucks doing noise outside “What the is that?” I said “Some people are moving to the house next to Liz’s, they got a girl you age, we are going to meet her later” “But mom, I don’t want to, I will be a lonely girl all my life” mom looked at my with a face “OK” I said. “Get ready, shower and dress up, it already 11” mom said as I finished my food I looked at Liz’s house and imagine to girls a white black hair girl with a white brown hair and very dark eyes girl. Liz and me, I didn’t know why Liz had so dark hair. I also had a light brownish skin; it wasn’t black, it was a really light brown. The months passed and it was already Christmas. Anna and I have been together almost all year playing and doing things, but more grow up things, because now I was 11. Liz and I have keep contact, she has sent me letters and I to her. Her last letter was saying something like “I have a surprise to you, like a Christmas gift, you are gonna love it, I know it.” I don’t know what it is but I’m already excited.
It’s Christmas Eve and all the neighborhood is reuniting on somebody’s house like every year, this year is Anna’s. When we were eating somebody knocks the door and Anna went to open it, I over heard a familiar voice saying “Is Milly here?” I wanted to see how it was and I went. I look from behind a wall… It was Liz! I went running to her and say, “What are you doing here?! You didn’t told you were coming” Liz responded, “That was the surprise!” I was so happy I could hardly talk “Liz, this is Anna, Anna, Liz” I finally said, “Nice to meet you Liz” Anna said “Milly has talk to me about you a lot” “Really? Milly told about you, too” Liz said, “Come in” Anna said, “We have enough food for three more”. Liz’s family came in and ate with all others. “ I have one more surprise for you!” Liz said, “We are moving here again!” “WHAT?!?!??” I yelled, “Really!” “Yes!” Liz said, “Ahhh!” I yelled again, “I’m moving here to my old house again” Liz said “That’s great! Now You, I and Anna can play together!”

         School started and there were two new girls at school, Liz and another girl named Ester. She was really shy and quiet; she had dirty blond hair and dark eyes. Every day she sat alone on recess and one day we decide to talk to her. She was a really nice person and suddenly she became our friend. Liz was the one who must connect to her. But she didn’t take Liz from us. A year almost passed and Anna and I became more friends, and Liz and Ester were becoming more friends. But she still was more friend mine than Ester, but I think I was kind of letting Liz out talking with Anna.
         One day I ask Anna if she thought Liz was acting weird, like she a was jealous of something “I don’t know her very well as you, but for me she is acting normal” Anna said “Are you sure?” I ask “ I said, I don’t know ” . I really wanted to know so went to ask Ester. Next day at school I left Liz and Anna alone taking Camila inside to ask her “ Sadly  I have to tell you that yes, she was talking to me about how much she hates that you are there just talking with Anna” Esther said “Oh no! I feel bad now I have to talk with her” I replied “ I don’t think it’s a good idea, she’s really mad, but she doesn’t act like it” Ester said before I went outside, “But I need to”. I went outside and took Liz inside. “What’s wrong with you? You have never been jealous and less from me! do you think I’m really changing you for Anna! I would never do that.”           “ Well, looks like you did and you didn’t even notice, I thought you would never change me for anything, I see how good you are as a friend” And she went away. I was really mad
A week passed and I didn’t say a word to Liz, all the time I was hanging out with Anna. She wasn’t very happy with the situation, because she was the problem. Liz didn’t want to talk to me neither and she was all day with Ester, how wasn’t happy with this neither. A month past and my siblings notice that I wasn’t hanging out with Liz. So they told my mom and dad went to talk to me a told me about that, and I explained them everything that happened. They recommend me to do a plan, to talk to Ester tell her to remember Liz good thing and memories about Liz and me, then send Anna to be a lot to Ester to say if Liz would mess me. And when I talk to her the first thing to say was to forgive and then apologize even if it wasn’t my fault I did exactly like they said and it worked. Liz began to miss me and a week later she came to my house to talk with me. “Mi.. Milly, I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t act like that, I was feeling that you were leaving me.” “It’s fine, I think I kind of was and I’m sorry for that” I said “I think we both can be friends again” Liz said “Sure we can” And that way Liz, me, Anna and Esther became friends again.
After that we did a lot of things together, we did so much things and we have so much memories about this, all friends have problems but but if they are real real friendship, not just real, real real, it’s gonna last forever.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 24 2015 at 3:46 pm
AliciaAlcantara SILVER, Santo Domingo, Other
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I´m sorry, I found some mistakes on the story after I published it. I wish I could fix them. Again sorry