One Friendly Smile | Teen Ink

One Friendly Smile

December 19, 2014
By Anonymous

It is the only one that stands out. I am the only one who see’s it. One friendly smile, bright and special, unlike most others. One that will never be meant for anyone else but me. One smile misplaced in a rowdy school. From my view, I can see it, but all others are blind to it.
Its meaning is a secret. It sends jolts of joy into my heart. It travels across the hall and grabs my attention by the way it glistens and shines in the fluorescent lights. This is how I see it.
It is never drowned out by the screams and calls throughout the overcrowded school because I am always there to see it. Beat, beat, beat my heart slams in my chest. It encaptures me.
When I am sad and too depressed to keep walking, when I am an unimportant person walking amongst hundreds, then it is I look at the smile. When there is nothing left to look at in the halls. One that smiles despite its peers. One who is happy and does not forget to make me happy. One whose only reason is to please and please me.

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