'Merica | Teen Ink


November 10, 2014
By DylanStachowiak SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
DylanStachowiak SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The great food of America is what I love about being American and living in America.  The ability to go and get a juicy cheeseburger and get anything I want on it.  If one day I am feeling a brat, I can go eat a brat.  The mouth watering smell that the food gives off from a certain city or part of a town, like downtown areas where all of the food places are and you just get the great smell of the bakeries, the fast food, and the smell of that one BBQ place that is smoking their ribs outside is the best smell that food has to offer.  The smell of brats, hamburgers, BBQ, and all sorts of different foods on a summers day is what makes me ecstatic.

The smell of summer, people outside have a Barbeque and people laughing and playing yard games.  The smell of your clothes after sitting down by a campfire and eating marshmallows and s’mores all night long.  The memories that you make by sitting by the campfire for hours and eating all of the brats, hotdogs, and other summer time food is just something you will never forget.

The smell of fall is also the smell of Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  It is my favorite holidays because of the great food.  The mashed potatoes and gravy.  The turkey that falls apart.  The unhealthy but most amazing thing I have ever tasted is my aunt’s sweet potato pie.  Then the pumpkin pie that my mom and sister make and they use homemade whip cream on top of it  is one of the best parts of thanksgiving, because you can't get another pumpkin pie that tastes that good any other time of the year. 

The different food America has to offer is my favorite things about America. The food isn't just good because of how it tastes, but also because of how it brings a group of people together. And that is why I am proud to be an American.

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