Watch Your Back | Teen Ink

Watch Your Back

September 30, 2014
By MorganLampton BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
MorganLampton BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
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This is the true story of a murderous man who did the unthinkable. Officials say a man from South Carolina will be charged with murder for the death of his five children, he led officials to a hidden clearing in Alabama where their bodies laid there wrapped in separate garbage bags. What we have for his reason why will shock you, county man deputies say he  confessed to killing his five children. He said he feared the children were going to "kill him, chop him up, and feed him to the dogs."
He’s was treated for mental illness just weeks before they were killed and officials feel this was connected to the issue. Also on the same very day he was at Walmart with his kids and he told them to get out of the car and almost left them. He was caught and said they were going to “Kill him, chop him up, and feed him to the dogs.” 
Jones is now housed with the South Carolina Department of Corrections after waiving his right to a first court appearance last week. Prosecutors have not announced if they will seek the death penalty. This was an unfortunate event, and officials are still figuring out what they’re going to do about this tragic event. You can find out further answers on most news websites near you.

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