Bullying | Teen Ink


September 30, 2014
By Cheerfreak1475 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
Cheerfreak1475 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How do we deal with bullying at school? There are many different ways to deal with bullying but there is one way not to deal with bullying. That is to never fight back. When does bullying occur? “Bullying occurs all the time even when you don’t realize it.” Bullying occurs mostly at school than anywhere else. Why does bullying happens? Bullying happens because other people are getting bullying too have you ever thought that the bully is getting bullied.

Don’t fight back. when you fight back at the bully the fight will get bigger. When the fight gets bigger you have more and more problems occur. Have you parent ever said to you when someone hits you you hit them back. Well that is not the case in bullying. We should stand up to bullying not fight back. Bullying occurs most often at school. When bullying happens at school and students don’t like to stand up to the bullying that is why teachers and principals always tells you to stand up. People don’t want to be thought of as tattle tails so the don’t tell. It is ok when you tell that people are being bullied because you are standing up for other people.Bullying happens because the bully is getting bullied or the are just having a hard time. If people are being mean have you ever asked why are you doing this. 

This is a message to tell you to make sure you stand up to bully. Just remember to stand up for bullying and be nice to the bully. Don’t forget to tell an adult if you see bullying happening. There are 3 things to remember stay alert , be smart, and don’t fight back.

The author's comments:

It shows that bulling needs to stop.

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