Baby Brother | Teen Ink

Baby Brother

September 30, 2014
By HIBuddy BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
HIBuddy BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On September 8, 2014  Genesis’s family had a new member in the family. At 1:00 AM and the baby was born at the Bremen hospital. Genesis’s family named him George and he is so adorable, George has brown hair and he has a lot he is really quiet. Nimian came home on September 9, 2014 with George. Genesis was so happy because Nimian was home and Nimian was home and ok.

Genesis helped her with George and Nimian was excited when Genesis helped her because Nimian needed help because  she was in so much pain and so Genesis kept helping Nimian.George was 8 pounds and 15oz and he was 21 and ½ inches long George was a big boy.George doesn’t cry at all only when he pees or poops.George doesn’t even cry at night he is so calm.George sleeps a lot almost 24/7 and when Genesis and her brother Dominic try to wake him up. He just stays there and doesnt move at all and George just keeps sleeping.So Genesis and Dominic keep moving him until George wakes up.
              Sometimes when Genesis and her family watch a movie or when Dominic and Giovanny watch their cartoons and if George is there with us or them he would watch tv to with us and he starts to smile when he watches cartoons with Dominic and Giovanny.George can move a lot he can almost turn himself around so he would start walking soon probably and some day he would do so many sports.

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