The Weak vs. the Strong | Teen Ink

The Weak vs. the Strong

August 6, 2014
By Justinha BRONZE, PLANO, Texas
Justinha BRONZE, PLANO, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If there was a situation where one would have to choose between someone weak or someone strong, the most logical choice would be the person who is strong. However, this is all based on theoretical thinking. The Earth does function on theoretical thoughts. You could toss a coin 100 times and land on tails 100 times. You could race in the Indy 500 with only a Smart Car and be the first to cross the finish line. You could even become famous by doing absolutely nothing. Based on this way of thinking. I believe that the weak can overcome the strong. In fact, I believe that the weak will always beat the strong. The reason I believe this is because the weak understand strength more than the strong do. They understand it better because they recognized that they don't have strength and want nothing more than to acquire it. On the other hand, how does someone who has been strong all their life know what strength really is if they never had to search for it. Through this realization, I support my choice the the weak will overcome the strong because the weak have a greater drive to want to succeed than those who already have. The potential of a human being who truly wishes to succeed is something that cannot be measured. I believe that those who are weak are the strongest of them all.

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