The Touch of Fear | Teen Ink

The Touch of Fear

April 17, 2014
By BobbiC GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
BobbiC GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyday I wake up wondering what that day has in store for me. Half of my life I spend at school talking to people and working on school work. The other half I’m with my family or with my friends. What if all that stopped? What if one day, the world ended? Life ended?

Besides on the weekdays, I love to hang out with friends and have fun in everything I do. I love talking to people. There is so many people in this earth to this day, humans and animals being born each second. We try so hard to fit in this world just for it to stop?

In 2012, the scientists predicted the world to end. The mayan calendar ended on December 21st, 2012. Supposably the world was to be swallowed up in a black hole, or swallowed by the sun or a huge asteroid was supposed to destroy the earth. That day I woke up on a Friday morning went to school, the world still seemed to be alive. To this day April 14th, 2014 I still wake up and the world is still alive.

We think to ourselves, do we deserve that? Think about it, we work so hard. Adults work at their jobs, students work at school. Yet, how would the world end? Would it really get swallowed by a black hole or the sun? We don’t know.

If the world ended, we wouldn't have all those things to do. Things would be incomplete. Would we regret things? Everybody takes things for granted once in their life time. Whether it's skipping a family day or just being selfish. Imagine if today was you last time talking to someone's, what would you change? I think we should all act like today is our last day on earth. Imagine what a better person you would be.

Everyday I wake up wondering what that day has in store for me. What if the world ends today or what if it's just another regular day? Am I going to change the way I act knowing the world might end today?

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