We Are Our Numbers | Teen Ink

We Are Our Numbers

January 10, 2014
By Justinha BRONZE, PLANO, Texas
Justinha BRONZE, PLANO, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the world we live in today, we are defined by our numbers. We have many numbers. A 2400 shows potential and intelligence. On the other hand a 1500 reveals nothing too special.You can buy a home with an 800, but can't even attain an apartment with a 450. For students, these numbers are as scary as any monster. Only the greatest will be able to overcome these numbers. These numbers reflect our future and define our worth. However, can a number tell people I'm kind and caring? Can these numbers tell that I had problems? These numbers give an image of ourselves to our dream schools. But this image is not complete. The message numbers send is limited and primitive. I am much more than any digit. I won't be detained by my numbers. Instead I will use my words. For words have a power stronger than anything else in this world. We all have numbers, but we define ourselves with out words.

The author's comments:
I recently was faced with the reality that my grades and scores are effecting my dreams. I got lazy my first 2 years and I fear that it is too late. I was just thinking one day about how unfair it is that these numbers that represent me are what my dream schools are going to see. I am so much more than what seems to be. I didn't want these numbers to control my future.

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