My Most Embarrassing Moment | Teen Ink

My Most Embarrassing Moment

October 4, 2013
By Odd :) BRONZE, Eagle Mountain, Utah
Odd :) BRONZE, Eagle Mountain, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To the world, you may be one person. But to one person, you may be the world."

The day was warm. The sky was a clear blue. The sand was as soft as a fluffy pillow, the palm trees danced in the small breeze, and the water was calling my name. My dad, thinking he was hip in his Utah Ute’s swim trunks, ran down along side the beach with my cousin. My cousin jumped his highest and threw a Frisbee to my dad. My dad of course, didn’t catch it. As I was laughing, I walked over to the red umbrella and red beach towels where my grandpa was sitting. He was wearing his regular clothes, shorts and a tee shirt, reading a book. “Going in the water this year?” he asked. “Ha! No way in heck!” I loved the water, but I was deathly afraid of sharks. My dad, whose was somehow way far out into the water, called my name. “Come in!” he shouted. “You know what? I’m sick of you guys teasing me!” I ran towards the water. As my body hit it, it felt cold. That didn’t stop me, I kept on running. I was sick of being teased. I ran faster and faster until I passed my dad. I got to where I could barley touch and turned around to look at the beach. My grandpa and cousin were smiling at me, but there smiles quickly faded. The next thing I knew my body was hit by pressure, water pressure. I body surfed it all the way to shore and got buried in the sand. I stood up, feeling slightly dizzy and said, “Ha! I went in the water!” I expected my family to congratulate me, but all they were doing, was staring. “What?” I said. “Why are you all staring at me?” My cousin giggled and said, “Is it me, or is there a slight breeze.” I realized there was a slight breeze, and I felt cold. I looked down and thought. Oh crap. Where did they go?

The author's comments:
We were writing our most embarrassing moments in English. And this just sort of came to mind.

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