Ponderosa Me | Teen Ink

Ponderosa Me

October 25, 2013
By Anonymous

I am a ponderosa pine tree. Want to know why?
First of all, ponderosas are native to the White Mountains of Arizona. I was born in Arizona and spent most of my childhood in the White Mountains.
Second, when you put your nose to the bark of a ponderosa, you can smell flavors. Vanilla, chocolate, orange sherbet, even caramel! But a group of ponderosas in one area does not smell like each other—each one is unique. It is the same with my family. In spite of having many of the same genes and living in the same household, we each have unique talents. And no “flavor” is better than another.
Third, ponderosas are evergreen. Their leaves never change colors with the seasons. I have grown up with the determination to never alter my morals and values just because the rest of the world is changing.
Lastly, there is only one way to plant new ponderosas. When almost annual fires spread through the Arizona forests, the trees are burned. But the flames crack open the pinecones on the forest floor, releasing the seeds that will be the next generation of even sturdier ponderosa woodlands. The same destruction that kills the current forests begins the rebirth process. The difficulties I have endured in my life have been conduits for change, and I am better and stronger because of my experiences.
That is the kind of tree I am—the tall, stalwart, unique ponderosa.
What tree are you?

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