Deliciously Chaotic | Teen Ink

Deliciously Chaotic

July 18, 2013
By Kuly13 BRONZE, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Kuly13 BRONZE, Santa Fe, New Mexico
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;To love another person is to see the face of God.&quot; Fantine, Les Miserables<br /> &quot;There will come a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right.&quot; Dumbledore, Harry Potter

-I believe in traveling-

-We wake up at 4:00 am-

-We get dressed; my sister and I put on the clothes that my mom set out for us-

-The outfits are matching so that we don't get lost in the airport-

-All the bags are by the door; my dad and I load them into the car-

-My mom sets the alarm: everything is deliciously chaotic-

-I believe in chaos-

-"Did everyone use the bathroom?"

-"Wait! I forgot something!"

-"Why do I feel like I'm leaving something behind?"-

-Did we remember to ask the neighbors to water the plants?"-

-On our way-

-It is still dark outside and we all pile into the car-

-It takes an hour to get to the airport and the roads are empty-

-The sky is dark, and the car is dark, but the windows glow orange-

-I believe in magic-

-It comes in all forms: this is one of them-

-We finally get to the airport-

-Park the car: hurry! Load into the shuttle: hurry!-

-At the airport, it's hustle and bustle-

-I believe in the airport-

-People are rushing all over the place, and the lines to check in luggage are long-

-People are coming and going- we are going!-

-Bags are checked, off to security-

-Shoes off, jackets off, bags up, electronis out-

-Off to the gate, it's slower in these parts-

-We have to wait, but I want to keep moving-

-I want the rush, the anxiety, the pandemonium!-

-The airport is like a time warp, connecting time zone to time zone, city to city-

-When we arrive at our destination and are driving away, I look back at the time warp airport, knowing that there are still people back there: families going on holiday, men and women alone on business trips, children traveling to and from divorced parents, and I am grateful for what I have-

-We are nearing the city, where every hour is rush hour-

-I believe in traffic-

-I love the speeding, blurred lights, frusturated noise, and bumper to bumper-

-I believe in city: it's exciting and anxiety inspiring-

-It makes your heart race faster than the horsepower of your car and it's beautiful-

-Traffic is avoided and neglected when it should be lived and respected-


-Why do I believe in traffic?-

-Is it because it reminds me of home in NY where peace and quiet exists in no one's vocabulary?-

-Or is it because that's all there is left to believe in?-

-I believe-


-"Wake up Sleeping Beauty, we're in Disneyworld..."-

The author's comments:
We wrote "This I Believe" essays in school, and I couldn't decide what I believed in. I ended up with a mish- mash of lots of stuff I love. I want readers to go excited about this piece. I want them to feel giddy with the sensation that they have to get moving!

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