Middle School | Teen Ink

Middle School

July 1, 2013
By mackenzie_benson BRONZE, Land O Lakes, Florida
mackenzie_benson BRONZE, Land O Lakes, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" -Dr.Suess

Middle school... My life changed the day I stepped foot into that school. I've had my ups and downs through the years.

The first day of 6th grade I was happy to see my friends again. In 6th it wasn't that bad but 7th grade was a whole new level. I was still happy to go back and see my friends but a lot of things happened that year.

I lost friends. I gained friends. Went through a lot of drama and through hatred. Some friends just grew apart. Me and my best friend, Antonia ,got closer that year. We fought before but only to find out that it made us closer to each other. I went through drama about pretty much everything, boys, friends, enemies, etc.

8th grade was the most dramatic for me. I had a lot of people who hated me and I didn't even know why. Kanshira, Leah, Precilla, and a lot of others hated me for no reason at all. Towards the end of the year I got into a lot of drama with them and Antonia. They were threating her and I stepped in to help but it only made things worse. Antonia ended up leaving school with a week left before it was out for the summer. We still all hate eachother but the events that took place in school that year are unforgettable...

The author's comments:
my friend wrote something for teen ink and I though I might do it to

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