Greek Poetry | Teen Ink

Greek Poetry

June 4, 2013
By Birdy33 BRONZE, Fsdfdsfs, Connecticut
Birdy33 BRONZE, Fsdfdsfs, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Poetry in Ancient Greece was valued for many people. Many famous people were raised and born in Greece, but there were three main poets who spoke to the Greeks. The three were Hesiod, Homer, and Sappho and Pindar. There was also a famous epic poem that Homer wrote called the “Odyssey.”

Hesiod was a famous poet, but not many people remember his work as they do with Homer. Hesiod was a native of Boeotia in central Greece, and he lived and worked there about 700 B.C. His two works were Works and Days and Theogony. The Works and Days was a farmer’s almanac to tell about agricultural arts. The Theogony was a book that describes knowledge about Greek religions.

Homer was one of the most famous poets in Ancient Greek history. Homer was considered “the Poet” by the Greek people while he was alive. This was because his poetry spoke to the Greek people in a way no one before him had. Homer was borned and died in Ionia. Around 700 BC, Homer wrote two connected epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey. An epic is a long poem telling about a hero.The Iliad was about the Trojan War and the Odyssey was about Odysseus’s journey home from the Trojan war. He was important to Greece because he told Greek people what they were worth to Greece.

Sappho and Pindar is a well-known Greek poet from ancient Greece until now. Pindar was an Athenian-educated Theban aristocrat whose lyric poetry was much in demand. Pindar has only 4 victory odes that survived which were for aristocrats. Sappho was born in Mytilene in (d.c 580 B.C.E) He is one of the first poets to deal with personal thoughts and feelings.

The first famous Greek epic poem was the Odyssey.Around 700 BC, Homer wrote two connected epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey. It is the story of Odysseus who was one of the warriors from the Trojan War. During his voyage, he loses all of his comrades and ships and makes his way home to Ithaca disguised as a beggar. He was disguised as a beggar because he was a disgrace to his family and his people.

Poetry has influenced our life today for many reasons. One reason is that poets today get huge inspirations from the poems. The poems that they write have come from the poems then. When you read poems, they all have a mood. When the mood is set, the poet would want to write the mood that they are in.

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