Going to a New School | Teen Ink

Going to a New School

September 17, 2008
By Anonymous

I looked out the window, butterflies fluttering around in the pit of my stomach. My mom and Maria (my sister) were talking about Maria’s new school. That went great for her but I wasn’t to sure. She was happy to meet people so soon. I was getting more uneasy by the second.

My school was up next and that feeling was the most awful! I thought about all my friends back home. I thought about what they were doing right now. A few thoughts rushed through my head. What if I never got to see them again? Then I wondered what new friends I would make. I thought about how pleased my mom would be with her new job and all. I thought about how happy Maria would be she met a few people and I was positive should would meet new friends. I drifted back into the conversation Maria and my mom were having.

“I had a great time at my new school I know I’ll make lots of friends!” Maria said. I tried to think of having a good time at my school too. I was nervous, really nervous.
I looked around the parking lot of my new school, Morehead City Primary School. It seemed so immense! Then again I was only in third grade.

“There it is,” my mom said.

“Yeah,” I replied unsurely.

I entered the building, not sure what I would find. I was looking around my new atmosphere and noticed a huge library. I loved to read so it worked for me.
The tour guide for the school showed me all around. First he showed me the library.

“This,” he said, “is our library.”

“It has about one thousand five hundred books,” he continued.

I looked around it was marvelous! We continued the tour he showed me my new hall, the drop off place, the bus area, the restrooms, and much more. I was amazed at how cool my new school was. Then I went to go meet my new class. The moment of truth!

I looked at the door which behind it held my future classmates. “Hey look Julia! You have this year’s best teacher. Isn’t that cool?”

I looked at the banner over the door. Sure enough it said “This year’s best teacher” My new teacher greeted me her name was Mrs.Vallance or some people called her Mrs. Susan for short. I looked at all the kids sitting behind her they all were working so hard. I felt all the butterflies flutter out of my stomach. I was right were I needed to be.

As I went home I was more certain than ever. Third grade was going to be easy. I made friends and it was a pleasant school year. Some of those friends I still have today! I made exceptional grades and as I said before it was a breeze! As my saying goes “Don’t be nervous, wait and see how things turn out.” I still use that motto everyday!

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