Founding fathers | Teen Ink

Founding fathers

December 21, 2012
By Othman Muryawid BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
Othman Muryawid BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The founding fathers were concerned with how to protect their government from being too unstable and that the public good would be disregarded in the conflicts of factions. They thought that factions would lead to the failure of republican government. The solution to this would be to end liberty or you could minimize the effects by using a republican form of government. “The United states shall guarantee to every state in this union a Republican form of Government”
The founding fathers thought a republican form a government was one that it would limit factions more than any other type of government that allowed liberty and freedom. The founding fathers also liked this because the people could vote for their president and that it wouldn’t always be one family/group in power. One of the most important reasons that the founding fathers decided to have a republican form of government was that the minority had a voice the founding fathers were always scared that the minority would be forgotten about that is way states are guaranteed Electoral College votes no matter population. Finally the most loved, the most wished that everyone had civic virtue the founding fathers thought civic virtue was best utilized in a republican form of government.
The weaknesses that the founding fathers were afraid of were that the government would be too unstable it would either be too strong or too weak. The founding fathers were also scared that factions would eliminate civic virtue and the people would only vote for their political party the reasons they were scared of political can be seen in the case of Marbury vs. Madison President John Adams named forty-two justices of the peace and sixteen new circuit court justices (William Marbury was part of this group); he did this on the last day of his term so that the federalists could take control of the federal judiciary before Thomas Jefferson took office, but they weren’t delivered before the end of his term so Madison did not give Marbury the right to his commission after being instructed by Thomas Jefferson. Marbury challenged and congress denied him his commission, then the Supreme Court used judicial review for the first time. Judicial review is the authority to review acts of Congress and determine if it is unconstitutional and void it. In a unanimous decision, the Court stated that Marbury had a right to his commission but the Supreme Court could not force Jefferson and Madison to appoint Marbury, because it did not have the power to do so. It established the ability of the Judiciary Branch to declare a law unconstitutional and void an act passed by Congress that the Court considered in violation of the Constitution. You notice why John Adams hired those people; he hired them so his political party would stay in power not because they would move the country forward.
In 2008 Jack Davis a wealthy democratic candidate saying that the Millionaire’s Amendment violates the first amendment(The millionaires Amendment Law passed in 2002 that increases contribution limits for candidates who face opponents who put substantial sums of their personal funds into their own campaigns) he also says it violates the 5th amendment. Does the millionaire amendment violate free speech of the First Amendment and the equal protection principle (part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, provides that "no state shall ... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws".)? The court said that he was wrong in both cases, the 1st amendment and 5th amendment. As usually it is all about trying to win try to find any loophole and change it to your advantage so you can make more money or win.

The founding fathers thought that a republic would solve all of the problems, and they had some good reasons to think this like allowing people to vote and trying to remove factions, but the problems was they didn’t do enough to protect against self-interested people. I don’t think their solutions were correct because you look at all of the factions and self-interested people. “What it missing, I think, is this notion of the common good.”
It seems as though if you want to have the best government you don’t always have to have the smartest people in your country, maybe it’s just that you have to have the most fearing people and the most honest and honorable.” A nation is formed by the willingness of each of us to share in the responsibility for upholding the common good”. “All men were created to busy themselves with labor for the common good”.

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