The Meteorite In My Library | Teen Ink

The Meteorite In My Library

December 10, 2012
By aladine_98 SILVER, Hemet, California
aladine_98 SILVER, Hemet, California
8 articles 0 photos 69 comments

There’s a meteorite in my school’s library. Over half of the people who walk through the door don’t notice it, and probably never will. It just sits quietly in a display case on the lower floor. People pass by and don’t stop to wonder. A huge chunk of dull grey metal from outer space.

I stop today, and examined it for the third time. I read the description, and one of the lines caught my eye. “Almost every ‘shooting star’ you see at night is actually a meteor. When a meteor hits Earth it’s called a meteorite.”

I pause thoughtfully, pressing my hands to the clear glass. And then I imagine the piece of metal before me heating up, glowing red-orange as it hurtles through our atmosphere, finally making contact with our planet in a cloud of dirt and debris.

A boy walks up next to me and says, “Cool....” Of course, people usually notice things when someone else is looking at it. I stare at him, turn, and walk back to my place in the quiet library. And the meteorite sits there, glinting dully under the fluorescent lights, just waiting to be noticed again.

The author's comments:
The first time I saw the meteorite in my library, I didn't think much about it. The second time, I took more interest in it and showed my friends. The third time, I wrote this short piece.

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This article has 4 comments.

Beila BRONZE said...
on Feb. 20 2015 at 12:23 am
Beila BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
3 articles 0 photos 516 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco." -Mark Twain

This was simple, yet breathtaking. You've made my heart hurt for the meteor, its glory days long gone, just waiting for someone to walk by and take a look. I feel like you've righted some great cosmic wrong by writing this piece, and I'm feeling very privileged to have gotten to read it. ... Wow, that was weird. Weren't we just talking about a rock in a library? ;)

on Jul. 1 2013 at 9:53 pm
DisneyGirl17 BRONZE, Hemet, California
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
Huh. I never even noticed! But I suppose that's the point. XD Lovely lovely~

on Jan. 10 2013 at 6:46 pm
aladine_98 SILVER, Hemet, California
8 articles 0 photos 69 comments
Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it. :)

on Jan. 10 2013 at 10:43 am
GuardianoftheStars GOLD, Shongaloo, Louisiana
17 articles 0 photos 495 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Let's tell young people the best books are yet to be written; the best painting, the best government, the best of everything is yet to be done by them."
-John Erslcine

I like how you wrote this peice about how there are such cool things that people over look. It was very well written! :)