Pet Peeves | Teen Ink

Pet Peeves

June 2, 2011
By Anonymous

Pet peeves are things that I don’t like. They bother me when people do them. When I sit next to people or when I am eating, people that don’t have manners bug me.

When I go to my friend’s house and he is eating, it bothers me. He chews loudly. When he eats anything, he chews with his mouth open. When he is done eating his cereal, he slurps up the milk. One of the teachers I have makes a weird noise after he drinks something. That is really annoying.

When I go to restaurants and people use those take-home boxes, the sound of that rubbing really hurts my ears so bad. Something about the noise gives me chills. It is just creepy.

When these things happen, I get really mad. I want to scream at them and tell them to stop it. Sometimes I just go to my room because it is bothering me so much. Sometimes I take food to my room, but my dad really doesn’t like me doing that. After a while, that awful sound makes me not even hungry, and I don’t want to eat.

Pet peeves bug other people. They are little things, but they get on other people’s nerves. It is something people need to be aware of, so they do not do them when other people are around.

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