License: Ticket To Independence | Teen Ink

License: Ticket To Independence MAG

By Anonymous

LICENSE: Legal permission to do or own a specified thing; a document, card, plate, or other proof that such permission has been granted; excessive Freedom.
It will be a happy October day in the fall of '94 when the Massachusetts Department of Motor Vehicles grants me the primary necessity for independence: a driver's license. I have had the days numbered since seventh grade, and I am down to 140. But with patience I will be able to calmly endure the last few months of begging rides everywhere I go, and then freedom, (along with welcome responsibility), will be mine.
I realize that approaching this milestone is not such a big deal for everyone. But for many reasons, mine will be the most long-awaited day of my life. The principal and most substantial reason is my location. Geographically, I am not in a bad position. The Mass Pike is two minutes away, as is Route 128. However, as far as social activities go, my town is more barren than any hick town of your choice. Yes, I live in Weston. The town center is bursting with excitement night and day. In addition to Town Hall, the library, the Unitarian Church, St. Julia's Church, and St. Peter's Church (the diversity is endless!), Weston Center has two pharmacies, one and a half grocery stores, three banks, two restaurants (and one empty building that used to be a restaurant), a book store, a gift shop, a jewelry store, a frame store, and, believe it or not, a new clothing store. That just about covers the social highlights of Weston. So, as you can imagine, growing up in Weston was somewhat boring. I have always looked forward to the day when I would have the eligibility to seek a higher form of social activity by getting into my car and driving off, by myself.
Now, although my means of transportation passed down to me by my grandmother (a gold lam" Chrysler New Yorker with leather seats) is not exactly a teenager's dream car, I am willing to drive anything that can take me out of Weston. Which brings me to my next reason for needing my license. I will be able to drive to school! Not to mention to my friends' houses and to my own dentist appointments. The possibilities are endless. I will be able to say good-bye to needing rides, good-bye to carpools and hello to opportunity. Weekends will no longer be difficult - no time will be wasted finding parents available to drive to and from the movies. I'll be able to call my friends and say "Hey, I'll be there in five minutes." And forget the hassle of finding a ride home from school. I will have it covered.
I am eagerly awaiting my license and for my turn on the road. I know it will be a long few months, but no doubt my waiting will pay off. In the mean time, I'll have to try to make due with my bicycle.

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i love this !