Assertion | Teen Ink


May 4, 2010
By Anonymous

I have been pushed around a lot, and I have never said anything about it because I fear I will hurt the person’s feelings, even though I want to say something.

I am a compassionate person that cares about other’s feelings. I feel guilty when I say something slightly hurtful and I apologize every time. Usually I allow others to take control, and just watch them lead. I need to be assertive so that so that I can be able to take control and not be pushed around by everybody, to be able make my own decisions, but also be sensitive to other’s feelings. I cannot go through life having others make decisions for me, so I must take control. Being assertive can help me get through life easier and allow me the chance to let situations go my way. If I don’t have any say in a decision, then how can I get what I want from that decision? I need to be able to tell people what I want from them and what I would like them to do.

Assertion means to take control. To be assertive you need to be able to support yourself by allowing yourself to be known. I plan to be a successful person, and to help me be a successful person I need to have leadership, to take control. Barack Obama, the president of the United States, is assertive and has leadership skills, and is now leading the U.S. Being assertive will help me be like President Obama, I don’t want to be president, but I want to be able to lead others, not the other way around. People that are not assertive will never get very far in life, because everyone else is taking control of their life.

I need to change my personality in order to become assertive and gain leadership skills while this change is taking place. To me being successful is being in a place you want yourself to be in, and to me, to be successful you need to be assertive. I don’t want to be a CEO but I would like to be in a place where my opinions are valued, and my suggestions are taken. I want to be successful, so that I can independently support myself. I need to support my feelings and words. I would like to be able to know that I am listened to and respected. I am tired of being pushed around, and I want to show that I am just as assertive as they are. Some people just never recognize other people and I want to show them that I am right there and am not going anywhere. I need to change because I need to be seen by other people not just the kind ones.

Every person that has been pushed around needs to be assertive, not just the kind people. I need to support myself, my actions, and my words, as does every other person that has been pushed around.

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This article has 1 comment.

twin2 PLATINUM said...
on Jun. 1 2010 at 1:11 pm
twin2 PLATINUM, Houston, Texas
20 articles 0 photos 15 comments
this is relly good!!! and also... hi amy!!!!!!