This Boy's Life | Teen Ink

This Boy's Life MAG

By Anonymous

Why does death have to be a part of life?
I don’t understand
Who does?
Is death meant to be?
Well, it shouldn’t be. No one deserves to die,
At least not until they’re ready.
Don’t tell me, “Well, she was needed in heaven."
Screw that.
A lot of people need her here.
I need her, and a husband needs his wife.
Taking away a young boy’s mom
Doesn’t make sense.
How am I supposed to love God
When he’s taken away so much from me?
Now, I’ve had almost two years
To overcome this grief,
But you can’t just shrug that off,
At least not like you can a bad report card.
It hits you in the strangest places, too,
Seeing a woman in the mall ...
Well, it looked like her.
Someone asking you if
Your parents would care if you stayed out that night,
Or if my mom likes my new girlfriend.
I don’t know. Let me ask her.
She wasn’t at my play.
She won’t be at my graduation, or even my wedding.
She won’t even see her grandchildren.
Now I know you’re saying,
“Well, she is watching from heaven."
Yeah, well, that’s true,
But I would rather her be here.

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