What factors contributed to the high costs associated with the development and production of the F-35 fighter jet? | Teen Ink

What factors contributed to the high costs associated with the development and production of the F-35 fighter jet?

April 2, 2024
By EmileSegarra GOLD, Pernes Les Fontaines, Other
EmileSegarra GOLD, Pernes Les Fontaines, Other
11 articles 1 photo 3 comments

The development and production of advanced military aircraft, such as the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, have long been characterized by their great complexity in variants, global collaborations, and intricate design specifications. These various factors have resulted in very high costs in the program. The entire F-35 program is on track to cost $1.7 trillion over the lifetime of the plane .  Understanding these various factors is essential to understand the complexities and economic implications of one of the biggest and most debated military aircraft development projects in recent history. 

The F-35, as developed by Lockheed at the request of the US military, was supposed to be the jack-of-all-jets, a fighter jet with versions to do different jobs for the Air Force, the Navy and the Marines .  However, this ambition to be a plane to all branches led to varied complexities and compromises. As noted by critics and experts, attempting to design a single aircraft for numerous roles necessitates numerous design trade-offs, resulting in an aircraft that lacks specialization in any particular domain . Therefore, the F-35 became a symbol of compromise, being very good in versatility but faltering in excellence. The creation of multiple variants further aggravated the intricacies of development, leading to cost overruns and prolonged timelines. 

Global collaboration, which was initially intended to distribute costs and leverage expertise, became another significant contributor to the F-35's enormous expenses. The involvement of multiple countries such as the UK, Australia, Israel, Canada, Denmark and multiple other countries in the development and production phases introduced logistical challenges and bureaucratic hurdles. Coordinating the efforts of various stakeholders across the globe, who each have their own interests and priorities, proved to be an extremely complicated task. Disparate requirements, differing procurement processes, and divergent technological standards across countries added layers of complexity, greatly slowing the progress and inflating costs further. 

Cutting-edge technology is a very important part and is at the heart of the F-35 program, yet it also has many issues that come along with it. Incorporating state-of-the-art avionics, stealth capabilities, and sensor systems each have their substantial research and development expenditures. Adding on, the integration of advanced technologies often leads to unanticipated technical hurdles and design flaws, necessitating costly retrofits and upgrades or may cause the grounding of the F35 on a national or global level. A great example of these issues is the weapons systems of the F-35. Producing weapons systems before the design has been completed and validated through rigorous testing means that services get saddled with systems and vehicles riddled with design flaws and lacking full combat capabilities. Weapons purchased toward the beginning of the process are underdeveloped and must be retrofitted to correct design flaws discovered in later phases of testing, making those earlier weapons much more expensive than those produced after testing is completed. The never-ending search for air superiority in an evolving battlefield landscape demands constant innovation, driving up costs and prolonging development cycles. 

In conclusion, the excessive costs associated with the F-35 fighter jet can be attributed to a variety of factors, including its inherent complexity, global collaboration efforts, and the continuous pursuit of advanced technology. Despite its potential, the F-35 program has been plagued by delays, cost overruns, and technical challenges. However, its significance as a symbol of modern military capabilities and its far-reaching economic implications make it too vital to be abandoned. Navigating the complexities of its development journey, the F-35 serves as a powerful reminder of the inherent trade-offs between ambition and real life in the world of defense procurement. 

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