Adventures around Wisconsin | Teen Ink

Adventures around Wisconsin

May 23, 2023
By 4bachmann GOLD, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
4bachmann GOLD, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Rhinelander is an essential place for me and started my love for Wisconsin. From when I was little until now, I have enjoyed going up and escaping life. It was like living off the grid and enjoying the small things in life. My dad, my dad's friend, and I  mainly went up here for fishing trips, but we also did other things like karting. Rhinelander is such a small yet prominent place. Everyone there has the same hobbies and is such a friendly human. I also had a couple of friends that live close to my grandparents’ cabin. The late-night runs to Kwik trip for anything are priceless. Kwik trip is anything you could ask for and has anything to satisfy you whether it be day or night.

This place is monumental in my life. I go here with my grandparents and go about 2-3 times a year. My family usually goes up for things such as the fourth of July or right after school ends. On the fourth, we always go to a parade which is outstanding every time. Going up here always brings back memories and makes new ones. Crivitz is such a getaway from the world. My grandpa built this cabin by hand and he still maintains it all on his own. My grandpa also does everything with us up there. He has taught me to hunt and swim and always makes the best food. It would seem like there’s not a lot to do here, but you can always find something. Even walking in the woods is fun minus the ticks. Crivitz is iconic to me and I always look forward to going here

I go here a lot with friends and we usually have no plan to go in, but always end up finding something to do, The most common thing we do is just go out for food. It’s so simple, but it’s always great every time no matter where we go. One of my personal favorite places is Major Goolsby. I have gone to this place with friends at least 20 times. Every time I’ve gone there I never was disappointed. The environment of Milwaukee is so welcoming contrary to popular belief. Going to the downtown area will never leave you bored. There is always something that can be done down here.

Another place where me and my friends enjoy going. I go here at least 3 times a month to hang out with my friends when I can. The places for food here are great and we always find something to do here. Whether I’m exploring downtown Waukesha or at a friend's house, Waukesha is always such a great place to spend time. Going to Waukesha can be very eventful or peaceful. It’s like a big city lifestyle was compacted into a smaller town. There is always action going on because of the diversity of the landscape. One second you can be in what seems like the country, but then 20 minutes later you are on the top of People's Park eating a burger. It doesn’t get much better than that. 

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