Why Are You Leaving? | Teen Ink

Why Are You Leaving?

October 25, 2021
By victoria_w BRONZE, Cupertino, California
victoria_w BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The woman said to the girl, “One day, when I am gone, you won't be able to depend on me anymore. You have to learn what it's going to be like when I’m not there in the future.” The girl thought about what the woman said for a second, and after a while, she asked, “Why won’t you be there anymore? You told me that you’d always be there? I know you have to go, but please stay a little longer. What’s the point of living without you? You are my inspiration. You are the one who gives me hope, the one who sparked a fire in me. Why do you have to leave so soon? Why?” The woman replied, “I know you’re in a state of shock right now, but remember, even when I’m not physically there for you in the future, just know that I will still be with you and I will watch over you as well. Just know that this is goodbye for now.” The girl knew that what the woman was saying was the truth, but the girl refused to believe it because she didn’t want to see the woman go. The girl watched the woman slowly drift away. The girl will always remember the woman’s last word to her, “I believe in you, even when no one else believes."

The author's comments:

In this set piece, I attempted to write a third person story. Third person storytelling is where the narrator is not a character within the events related. Third person narratives are told without using words such as “I” or “we”. I like this piece a lot because it projects emotions which, in my opinion, makes the story more interesting and entertaining.

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