The Names they Call Me | Teen Ink

The Names they Call Me

September 28, 2021
By Audreyk23 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Audreyk23 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was not always going to for sure be named Audriana. My mom went back and forth trying to decide, taking input from others. If it were up to my sister my name would be Tinkerbelle, the magical fairy from Wonderland. My grandma wanted Sophie. But my mother had other ideas. She wanted me to have a more unique name that not many people would have. Otherwise, I would be referred to as if I was something out of a catalog; and my last name would always be the more defining half of me. 

My name, Audriana Grace Kaiser, is just mine. I do not know a single other Audriana and that makes me feel special. My name might stem from my grandmother Ann but it is still unique to me, myself, and I. No expectations looming over my head like dark clouds on a rainy day. Nothing I have to live up to, giving me freedom and clarity to choose my own future.

Audriana means nobility and strength. Neither of which I feel describes me fully. I am strong but nothing about me is special enough to be royalty. Instead, I like to think of Audriana meaning spring. The possibilities of what’s to come in the next season. The cheerfulness of the birds singing to one another. The colors are just starting to become vibrant. 

 Audriana, although beautiful, is not what people call me. I have a list of compounding names people call me. Every person has a different way of addressing me. The general public knows me as “Audrey”. My best friend calls me “Kaiser”. My mom “Gracie”. Brother “Drey”. Sister “Audi”. All of these names make up who I am. Not a single name will ever fit me entirely. I am a different person to my friends than I might be to my family and that is why I like having different names because it is who I am to that person. It makes the significance of my name being said more special. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about my feelings towards my name. 

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