Something Little Can Change So Much | Teen Ink

Something Little Can Change So Much

September 28, 2021
By Anonymous

It was 7:30, I had gotten home a little more than an hour ago. The coaches said they would put out a list of names that would dictate my whole lacrosse career at around 8:00, but who am I kidding they never do it on time anyway. It was spring of 2021 and I kept thinking how excited I was for my season as I tried out last year but ended up not getting to play a season that happened to be semi-okay with me because tryouts and teams didn’t go as I wanted them to. I kept telling myself that if it didn’t go well like last year that it wasn’t my fault, they had never seen me play, I was basically a freshman trying out which was kinda scary because you were competing against the actual freshman too then. 

It was now 8:00, I had been checking for the list of names at least every 5 minutes, I was used to this by now as for almost all my sports this was how they announced teams. I would always start with the highest team as I usually didn’t think that I would be on it, then I would go to the lowest team just to check and if not either of those, then I would go to the middle one or the one I expected to be on most. I had been staying in my room because I didn’t want to open the teams with my parents there and have them ask the “so how did it turn out?”

I always thought it would be awkward if I didn’t get on the team they wanted and disappointed them so I stayed in my room waiting for a list of names. 

I reloaded, and something was showing up that hadn’t been there before. I checked the time, 8:10. The pictures finally showed up, there were 3. I had my plan I knew how I was going to go through them. But.. I was looking at the pictures and they were pretty small but on the picture in the middle, I just thought I could make out an Addie. I clicked on it right away, screw my plan. I scanned the names and there it was, Addie K. I was not expecting this in the least, I had made varsity white. I mean it’s the varsity two team but it’s still varsity, and last year I had made JV two. I had been planning my whole high school career on the thought that I was going to be on JV this year. I couldn’t believe it, I had really thought  I was gonna be on JV, I had no idea what to expect now, so I called my best friend who also thought the same thing but both our names were on the list. She answered right away. I lead with “did you see the teams?”

“Ya, did you?” she answered because we had made a rule before that we didn’t want either of us to spoil it for the other.


“Omg I can’t believe we’re on varsity I literally never thought that we would do that and were literally together, this couldn’t get any better!” She blurted out.

“I know right I’m so excited literally all our old team is on it were gonna have such a good season!” I replied with equal enthusiasm.

Our conversation went on for a while and after that, I just thought about how much my life would change now because I had made the team I had no idea I was gonna make. My name, not even my full name, on a list, had decided so much about my favorite’s sports future, Being on that team would give me so much more confidence in the sport, taught me so many more skills, and because of that I made so many more friendships, I was so glad that Addie K. was on the list.

The author's comments:

This is about my name and it was an assignment for class 

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