The rise (and fall) of NFTs | Teen Ink

The rise (and fall) of NFTs

April 5, 2021
By lolafm25 BRONZE, New Malden, Other
lolafm25 BRONZE, New Malden, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Technology is rapidly affecting just about anything in the world so when collectable art became digitalized, I was less than surprised. What did strike me as strange, though, is how big a stir in the market it has caused and how many people are fighting over online art.

NFTs or Non-fungible tokens are unique crypto symbols that are managed on a blockchain. In other, simpler words, they're irreplaceable, digital works of art and they don't come cheap. They have become a huge trend among the elite who, now, instead of buying Picasso's, buy pixels. Some are even more expensive than Picasso's work such as one artist's 69.3 million dollars worth collage.

The biggest problem with NFTs is we don't know when the hype will end and when an expensive token will go back to merely being a bunch of pixels on a screen. When the bubble bursts, token holders could end up sitting on massive amounts of NFTs with little buying interest. However, with the increase of blockchain, I find it hard to believe that NFTs will disappear completely because of this.

I think art theft will be the real reason NFTs shut down. There is absolutely nothing to stop other artists from copying popular works of art and selling them themselves. Besides, this new digitalized era of modern art is going to be the root of countless amounts of hackings. If we think about it, art thieves won't have to plan heists or kidnappings to get a million dollar painting, all they have to do is remotely hack a computer.

Nevertheless, I still think NFTs are going to be all the rave for the next couple of years and, as someone interested in both art and technology, I am fascinated by this new, up and coming market. I'm curious to see the collections of top tier art curators and how technology modifies the art world even more. Will "real" art be replaced by pixels and blockchain?? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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