To The Lighthouse Symbolism Book Report | Teen Ink

To The Lighthouse Symbolism Book Report

April 2, 2021
By FeLiX_yU SILVER, Irvine, California
FeLiX_yU SILVER, Irvine, California
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

In the novel to the lighthouse by Virginia Woolf, one symbol is the lighthouse. The lighthouse symbolizes desire. Even when the lighthouse stands there day after day, night after night, people would still be curious and desire to go there. James’s dying desire to go to the lighthouse in the first chapter, when finally gets fulfilled and James can see the lighthouse up close, the lighthouse “changes”. The lighthouse James wanted to see was the one from far away and his desire to go to the lighthouse from far away becomes not possible.
Another symbol in this novel is the sea. The sea symbolizes the natural world, the sea is unchangeable, and it doesn’t matter if the time is peaceful or violent the sea always always stays the same. Eating land away by erosion. The sea can also symbolize one character’s mind. When a character looks at the sea they can always feel like they are the same. During world war l the sea sounds harsh and violent, and in peaceful times the sea sounds soothing and calming. 
Lastly, another symbol in this novel is boar skull. The boar skull symbolizes death, it reminds people of their own death even in the most wonderful and blissful moments in their lives.

The author's comments:

This is about the novel To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf.

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