Sam Essay | Teen Ink

Sam Essay

October 3, 2019
By SMainer6 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
SMainer6 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name in English means “Name of God.” Sam feels like the color navy blue  because it is cool like an ocean breeze, reminding me of the crystal clear waters of Hawaii. Sam reminds me of the number seven, also known as Lucky Number seven.  So most sams are pretty lucky. 

Sam goes way back in time, to the Romans. Sam was one of the last ruling judges for the Old Testament.  A prophet, and a savior. Protecting the people and passing wisdom onto others.

Although my name is unique to my family, I’m the only one  named “Sam”. If I had a child, I’d like to continue the name “Sam” in the family tree.  

Samuel is a successful name with many positive examples. There is an Indian Nanny with the surname Samuel, who saved a two-year-old child during a Mumbai Terrorist Attack.  Samuel Tinsley, who was an English man around the 1800’s, was a chess player, and a writer. Samuel Colt was a man who invented the commercial company that mass-produced rifles.  Samuel “Sam” Fuld was a man born in 1981, and he was an American outfielder in baseball.

Sammy Haggar is my nickname. My mom thinks it’s so appropriate because she loves his music and thinks of me when she listens to his songs. I “Can’t Drive 55,” has lyrics like a whirlwind, which kinda describes me; I’m rather all over the place and my mind just goes silly here and there.

My Mom named me Sam, because she wanted to name her newborn son something strong and classic.  She wanted to have the world know that her newborn son was dependable, hard-working, strong, kind, and honest.

This fits me, because now I’m hard-working at my job, kind, strong with emotion, and honest about myself, as well as dependable on.  I am as clear as the Hawaii ocean breeze, and as cool as the Hawaii ocean breeze. I think I’ll keep the name “Sam”, it feels like it fits well.

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