Is New Orleans Safe for You and Your Family? | Teen Ink

Is New Orleans Safe for You and Your Family?

May 21, 2019
By Anonymous


New Orleans can be a dangerous place, but is one of the reasons citizens not vaccinating their kids? Mumps, measles, and hepatitis have been in Louisiana in the past year due to parents not vaccinating themselves, and their children.

Measles is a disease that was cured in 1963. In the last few years, cases of outbreaks have occurred in 21 states. With mumps outbreaks have occurred in 18 states. Let me remind you these are cured diseases.

Some children have had negative reactions to vaccines, and make the decision not to vaccinate their children, but is not vaccinating them more deadly? The most common diseases that have occurred are not fatal but can leave deadly side effects the an affect you as an adult. Hepatitis A can cause chronic liver disease which is not fatal most of the time, but acute liver failure in which Hepatitis A can lead too.


In April of 2018, a case of the measles came to New Orleans. A man had traveled from London to New Orleans for an event, but he wasn’t vaccinated. Maybe traveling internationally was the cause, but he was the only person who came down with it. After being treated in a hospital for four days he was able to leave

A month later another case was reported. A young girl had the measles and was unvaccinated. Her family had gone on a trip to a foreign country, where measles is very common. None of her friends from school got the Measles or her family. State law states that all children have to get vaccinated before they enter school, but have made exceptions.

These two cases aren’t like the 127 cases there have been since January of 2018. These cases where accidents, and didn’t cause others to have measles. Unlike the record 62 outbreaks, there have been in Washington state. 61 of which where in the same county, which usually means people spread the disease.

Mumps cases have been reported more in Louisiana than Measles. In 2017 a college university in Louisiana had a small epidemic, about 60 students had Mumps. Some universities call for students to have a booster shot before they attend school.


State Laws

Few states only allow for vaccine exemptions for only medical reasons. Some states don’t even call for students to be vaccinated before they attend school. At the beginning of this school year in Utah vaccine requirements have become more strict. The state of Utah wants the residents to make more educated decisions.

Mississippi and California are the only states that only allow you not to get vaccinated due to medical reasons. Only sixteen states allow for philosophical exemptions, including Louisiana. Louisiana also allows medical and religious exceptions.

Some kids are getting emancipated from their parents due to the fear of what will happen if they don’t get vaccinated. One example is an eighteen-year-old from Ohio got emancipated to his parent's dismay and got vaccinated. No teenager had gotten emancipated in Louisiana yet.


Overall vaccinating children can be a very touchy subject. Louisianans seem to be vaccinating their children, and we haven’t had many outbreaks so far. Louisiana can be a controversial state, but so far it hasn’t on this topic.

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