Soulja Boy's Influence | Teen Ink

Soulja Boy's Influence

March 29, 2019
By Greg_kolo BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
Greg_kolo BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Recently in the world of rap culture, Soulja Boy is immersing from the shadows once again claiming the fame that others may or may not have come by themselves. Soulja Boy, claiming he made Kanye West. Ye recently said he was “this generation's Ford Hughes Jobs Disney” referring to Henry Ford, Howard Hughes, Steve Jobs, and Walt Disney. Soulja Boy came back to him and said, “Talking about I’m Walt Disney. [ . . . ] you ain’t none of that.” Then Continued, “Why you ain’t come out with s— then? I came out with a whole video console, bruh. I’m the first rapper in history to do that, bruh.” It was later revealed that soulja boy just took chinese made consoles and slapped his brand on them…

Soulja Boy started out with his hit song Crank That (Soulja Boy) back in 2007 when the teenager had nothing but a computer program called "Fruity Loops." Fruity Loops was a program for entry level rappers that would offer easy and simple access to an editing service for music. This and a home computer was all Soulja Boy needed to create his one hit wonder. After he created his song he got it popular by using social media, something no other rappers had done before, everyone else had a big record backing or a big studio name such as DJ Khaled. Even though all he does is scream his name and take revenue. . .

Recently, Soulja Boy loves to call out on other rappers, when he thinks he better than them. Such as, the infamous “Tyga!?” or “Drake?!” but most recently Soulja Boy is challenging Wiz Khalifa and Snoop Dogg saying "I smoke more gas than Wiz Khalifa and Snoop Dogg put together.” With this, Wiz posted the video of Soulja Boy and seemingly accepted the challenge.

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