Shoes | Teen Ink


October 29, 2018
By 9rause72 SILVER, North Lake, Wisconsin
9rause72 SILVER, North Lake, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How my family takes care of our shoes shows how much we care about our appearance. My dad comes home from work his shoes are as beaten as Tyson’s competitors after five rounds. My mom’s many nice expensive shoes but often forgotten, forgotten in the closet

My brother and I, my brother and I, are different from our parents investing time in what we care about...our kicks. We don’t let them be seen with a spot of  dirt, I take them into the bathroom my shoes look up and smile, “thank you for making me clean.” The baby blue on the toe box as shiny as a polished bowling ball. We savor that new shoe smell. Appreciate the silky smooth genuine leather. My brother and I are different some would say obsessed and addicted. We just say passionate.

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