Short & Tall | Teen Ink

Short & Tall

October 29, 2018
By 0endisch SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
0endisch SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Short, small, and stubby is the way my family happens to be. Except for me, standing at six foot three, being tall in a short family is not an enjoyable thing to be.  Ducking under doors and banging my head on drawers, at times being tall doesn’t feel great at all. For my sister Mikayla, however, door frames stretch to pass right over her head.  For my sister Mikayla, the couches are comfortable and her mattress cuddles her at night, but for me, my feet hang off of my bed. For my brother Ryan, his truck tries its best to make him look big and tough, but when he steps out of his Ram and stands next to me, he looks like an acorn next to an oak tree.

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