Why Should Tumwata Have Lockers | Teen Ink

Why Should Tumwata Have Lockers

April 12, 2024
By Anonymous

Why should Tumwata have lockers? Have you seen teenagers carrying really heavy backpacks? Should teenagers even have lockers at school? For example teens have to carry around heavy backpacks all day filled with all of their supplies they need for each of their classes throughout the day. Some people think that PE lockers help out a lot but students only put a few things in them, like their PE clothes. In addition to this, Tumwata should have lockers so there are less school supplies to carry around in your backpack and having a locker will help students be more organized and not losing items or getting items stolen as much as they do.

First of all, teenagers are less organized with just having a backpack to throw your stuff in. Being less organized can make you unprepared for your classes and not being prepared for the day. It's also hard for teachers to buy more supplies for students when they lose or break them and they don't have as much money to spend on new supplies in the class. It is really hard to find supplies in a messy backpack and it can make some people frustrated for not being able to have that item or supply that they need for their classes for the day. 

Secondly, It is a lot to carry even though everything is in your backpack. Carrying a lot of items for school in your backpack can make your back get tired and for some people their back can start hurting after awhile. Some people don't like carrying heavy backpacks either because it is a lot of work to carry around all day for school. Some parents and adults think that we are fine with carrying around all of the class supplies in a backpack and not having lockers to deal with but it is hard to keep track of your supplies. Some people say that lockers cause more stress from learning how to open them and having to remember the code, but it would be easier to not have to carry everything around all day and it can help us learn how to open lockers for high school.

In the third place, you won't lose as many items if you have a locker because they are kept safe and in a backpack you have a risk of getting things stolen or losing your supplies. When you can't find your supplies in your backpack, teachers get mad that you aren't able to find the supplies you need for class, but if you had a locker it would be easier to keep track of your belongings and keep them from getting stolen. Teenagers also wouldn't get in trouble as much if they weren't losing their supplies in their backpack as often as they do.

Lastly, Some people would say Tumwata doesn't need lockers because we already have P.E. lockers. However we only have P.E. half of the year and the other half of the year we wouldn't have P.E. lockers to store are stuff in. For this reason lockers are needed at Tumwata Middle School because of better organization by the students, less to carry, and finally you will not lose as many belongings. I think lockers would benefit me by having less items to take care of and keeping me more organized in my daily school life, at Tumwata Middle School.

The author's comments:

I wrote this article beacuse I think that we wouldnt be losing supplies in the school and by having lockers students organization will be better.

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